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[Leaflet] Korea Adaptation Center for Climate Change (2021) (eng)

  • 등록자관리자
  • 등록일2021.11.16 00:00
  • 조회수7,727

Korea Adaptation Center for Climate Change of the Korea Environment Institute (KEI)


The Korea Adaptation Center for Climate Change (KACCC)'s mission is to foster a nation safe from climate crisis by minimizing the impact of climate change through a scientific approach.

Basis and Purpose

· The KACCC is designated based on Article 46 of the Framework Act on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth (or "Carbon Neutrality Act") and provides research and policy support on climate change adaptation.

Article 46 0 In order to establish and implement national measures for adaptation to climate crisis, the Minister of Environment may designate the KACCC. The KACCC shall conduct projects related to adaptation to climate crisis prescribed by Presidential Decree, including surveys and research to promote measures for national adaptation to climate crisis.

Main Functions

· The Korea Environment Institute (KEI)'s KACCC develops measures to support climate change adaptation policy and means for adaptation, provides support for assessing climate change impacts and vulnerabilities, international cooperation for climate change adaptation and negotiations, establishes a domestic network of subject matter experts on climate change adaptation, and serves as a hub for various projects authorized by the Minister of Environment related to generating knowledge on climate change adaptation and policy support.

Main Activities

Provide support for establishment /implementation of

national climate change adaptation measures

• Establish the strategy for the vision, objectives, and policies in relation to the national

adaptation measures 

• Provide support to metropolitan cities (17) and localities (226) on establishing and implementing the plans for respective climate change adaptation measures 

• Provide consulting support to the public and private sector on developing adaptation measures Provide a scientific basis for climate change adaptation

• Assess the impacts and vulnerabilities of climate change · Undertake a systematic research and develop adaptation assessment tools related to climate change adaptation

Mainstreaming climate change adaptation

• Enhance international climate change adaptation cooperation 

• Enhance government systems for climate change adaptation · Enhance and disseminate climate change adaptation awareness 

• Provide support to population to be more sensitive to climate change adaptation - Research and develop assessment tools to mainstream climate change adaptation

Key Achievements

Established legislative and institutional ground

• Supported the drafting of two legislations regarding climate change adaptation (2 items in 2021) - Established the 3rd National Climate Change Adaptation Measures (2020) and its implementation plans (2021)

Provided support to national and local governments on adaptation measures

• Provided a list of 93 risks in eight categories for climate change adaptation - Provided consulting for establishing/implementing plans to local governments

Implemented policy measures in line with the public's awareness while establishing a policy feedback mechanism

• Inspected the implementation status of the plans regarding the 2nd National Climate Change Adaptation Measures and provided a feedback mechanism • Provided the guideline for implementation plans of the 3rd National Climate Change Adaptation Measures · Established/ran a citizens' assessment group on climate change adaptation measures

Provided need-based support to climate change adaptation entities

· Consulting support to the public and private sector for establishing climate change adaptation measures - Discover groups vulnerable to climate change, develop local adaptation projects while conducting trial runs

Establish a scientific basis while generating and providing information for adaptation

• Develop tools and models for assessing the impacts and vulnerabilities due to climate change • Create climate change hazard maps (for heat waves and floods) · Publish the Korea Climate Change Assessment Report 2020

Revitalize domestic and international cooperation networks while supporting developing nations

· Ran the domestic climate change network while expanding international cooperation · Hosted the 1st UNFCCC adaptation week and Global NAP Expo (2019) • Conducted capability enhancement education to developing nations within the UNFCCC-CASTT framework

Training custom-tailored for adaptation entities and awareness raising through promotion

· Published magazine Adaptation dedicated to climate change issues • Created and distributed contents to raise public awareness on adaptation

* Survey results: 67,0% (2018) ~72.2% (2021)

Way Ahead

· As a center with 12 years of accumulated expertise (KACCC was established in 2009), KACCC aims to leverage its expertise to mainstream climate change adaptation while being at the forefront of disseminating adaptation messages to support the building of a global climate-proof society.

VISION : : Build a climate-safe society for everyone

MISSION : Forefront for mainstream climate change adaptation and spread climate crisis adaptation policies

Objective 1 : Enhance adaptation mainstreaming and public perception on adaptation policy

Objective 2: Enhance capability to generate and provide need-based scientific data on climate change adaptation

Objective 3: Enhance multilateral cooperation and adaptation awareness

Objective 4: Enhance research on climate crisis adaptation measures

Execution Strategy 1 Establish climate crisis adaptation policy promotion system

• Support national adaptation measures 

• Support local governments to enhance its adaptation capability 

• Support public sector to adapt · Support international agreements and conventions

Execution Strategy 2 Establish knowledge base for climate crisis adaptation

• Establish and support impact assessment system 

• Support climate vulnerability assessments and its tools 

• Establish climate risk assessment methods 

• Provide climate adaptation information

Execution Strategy 3 Expand adaptation governance and perception

• Lead projects for vulnerable groups to climate change 

• Support industries in their bid to adapting 

• Adaptation cooperation and networks 

• Adaptation training and promotion

Research and develop policies that will mainstream climate adaptation in all areas of activity

Korea Adaptation Center for Climate Change, Korea Environment Institute

5F SBC Bldg. B, 232 Gareum-ro, Sejong-Si, Republic of Korea TEL +82-(0)44-415-7845(INF) EMAIL kaccc@kei.re.kr WEBSITE https://kaccc.kei.re.kr COPYRIGHT © 2021 KEI KOREA ADAPTATION CENTER FOR CLIMATE CHANGE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


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