[Leaflet] Korean Model of Integrated Impact and Vulnerability Evaluation of Climate Change (2021) (eng)
- 등록자관리자
- 등록일2021.10.29 00:00
- 조회수7,764
Korean Model Of Integrated Impact and Vulnerability Evaluation of Climate Change
MOTIVE is an integrated impact and vulnerability evaluation model that has been available since April 2021. It provides basic technologies for establishing realistic climate change adaptation plan for central and local governments.
Model of integrated impact and vulnerability evaluation of climate change: MOTIVE
MOTIVE is a means of scientific and policy support to improve capabilities in national and regional responses to climate change
Provides risk assessment results through an integrated platform for evaluating climate change impact and vulnerability based on interactions among seven sectors (health, water management, agriculture, forestry, ecosystem, ocean, and fisheries) Provides information on climate change risk standardization (grade, economic ripple effect), hotspots, and guidance on risk management by zone/region
The Contributions of MOTIVE
Realizing a climateready society
Determination of priority and core strategies for climate change adaptation
Inducing a virtuous cycle interlinking economy, society, and the environment
A Schematic Diagram of MOTIVE
Integrated Impact and Vulnerability Evaluation
Health,Water Management,Agriculture,Forestry,Ecosystem,Ocean and Fishery→Climate change integrated evaluation→Food security,Supply service,Conservation area,SOC & land planning,Safety management,Vulnerable group→
Land Use[Land use & population density]→Cropping Agricultural production& demand
Ecology Ecosystem risks & area of climate
Hydrology[Hydrologic properties]→Water[Availability Management]→Water Use[Water resource
Flooding Flood & coastal inundation vulnerability→Pest & Disease[→ Climate health impact & → vulnerable group (health)]→Forestry[Forest disaster & carbon uptake]
Decision making support by policy issue
Key features of MOTIVE
Temporal range 0
2030 2040 2050~2080
Years 2030, 2040, 2050, and 2080 (Mean of 10-year cumulative values for model results (yearly values))
Spatial range 0
1 km x 1 km
1km x 1km, South Korea (Provided that analysis is performed in units of administrative districts,watersheds, and waters for each field.)
Basic DB for use
Shared climate change scenario (KMA, KE)* and field-specific non-climate DB *KMA: Korea Meteorological Administration KEI: Korea Environment Institute
Climate change experts and stakeholders in central and local government, development Institute, academia and industry
Evaluation sector
Health, Water, Agriculture, Forestry, Ecosystem, Ocean, Fishery
System composition
Evaluation items of impact by sector
Health : Heatwaves, air pollution, vector-borne infectious disease
Water management : Water quality, water volume of aquatic ecosystem
Forestry : Forest tree species distribution, forest growth, forest carbon cycle, forest disaster (wildfires, landslides), changes in land cover
Agriculture : Crop productivity, suitable cultivation land, g reenhouse gas circulation in farmland, pest control
Eco system: Invasive species in the ecosystem, Climatesensitive species, Vulnerable habitat
Ocean & Fishery : Sea level rise Biomass size spectrum, red tide event
MOTIVE system for supporting policy decisionmaking
Korea Adaptation Center for Climate Change, Korea Environment Institute
5F SBC Bldg. B, 232 Gareum-ro, Sejong-Si, Republic of Korea TEL +82-044-415-7845(NF) EMAIL kaccc@kei.re.kr WEBSITE https://kaccc. kei.re.kr COPYRIGHT © 2021 KEI KOREA ADAPTATION CENTER FOR CLIMATE CHANGE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
- kaccc_motive_(eng).pdf (853.37KB / 다운로드 540회) 다운로드