[영문][2014 Vol.1] Climate Change Adaptation Newsletter

  • 등록자
  • 등록일2014.07.31 00:00
  • 조회수497

KACCC NEWSLETTER ADAPTATION KOREA ADAPTATION CENTER FOR CLIMATE CHANGE MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT KEI KACCC  KACCC NEWSLETTER 2014 Vol . 1 ADAPTATION ISSUE Counterattack from heat waves, the silent murderer ADAPTATION About KACCC Korea Adaptation Center for Climate Change(KACCC) was established in July 2009 in response to 'Comprehensive Plan on National Climate Change Adaptation(2009~2030)' to engage in strategic research and support climate change adaptation policy. KACCC opened in July 2009 when the center was consigned to the Korea Environment Institute(KEI) by the Ministry of Environment(ministry-in-charge of climate change adaptation) The English version of[Climate Change Adaptation Newsletter] is published to share important information about climate change adaptation. You can also acquire a variety of informatiion about climate change adaptation throught the homepage[http://ccas.kei.re.kr/english/eng_index.do)of Korea Adaptation Center for Clmate Change. Contents KACCC'S NEWS 03 6th International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation ADAPTATION ISSUE : COUNTERATTACK FROM HEAT WAVES, THE SILENT MURDERER 04 Characteristics of summer weather and causes of heat waves in Korea 06 Analysis of heat wave damage in korea 08 Health Risk of Heat Wave 11 Countermeasures to heat waves due to abnormal climate and the reinforcement of connections with the urban restoration project 14 Heat wave response policies of the government 16 CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION RESEARCH 18 A Study of Factors Influencing the Estimation of Future Disease Burdens: Focused on High Temperatures Resulting form Climate Change ADAPTATION STORY 20 Tropical Fruits Made in Korea Viewing e-book PDF&Download if you would prefer not to receive further e-mails, then please click here unsubscribe 215 jinheungno, Eunpyeong-Gu, Seoul, 122-706, Republic of Korea/email_news@kei.re.kr http://ccas.kei.re.kr/english/eng_index.do

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