[영문][Spring 2012] Climate Change Adaptation Newsletter

  • 등록자
  • 등록일2012.05.15 00:00
  • 조회수221

KACCC NEWSLETTRT ADAPTATION KOREA ADAPTATION CENTER FOR CLIMATE CHANGE First Issue(Vol.1 SPRING 2012) Adaptation Strategies for Climate Change in Korea Climate Change in Korea Sectoral Adaptation Plan & Supportive Activities Korea Adaptation Center for Climate Change  About KACCC Korea Adaptation Center for Climate Change(KACCC) was established in July 2009 in response to 'Comprehensive Plan on National Climate Change Adaptation(2009~2030)' to engage in strategic research and support climate change adaptation policy. KACCC opened in July 2009 when the conter was consigned to the Korea Environment Institute(KEI) by the Ministry of Environment(ministry-in-charge of climate change adaptation) The English version of [Climate Change Adaptation Newsletter] is published quarterly and share important infomation about climate change adaptation throught the homepage(http://kaccc.kei.re.kr/eng) of Korea Adaptation Center for Climate Change Viewing e-book PDF & Download if you would prefer not to recive further emails then please click here unsubscribe Contents  02 Foreword Director of KACCC 'Yonghan Kwon'  03 Vision and Goals of KACCC`s Basic Mid-to-long Term Plans  04 Adaptation Strategies for Climate Change in Korea  06 Climate Change in Korea  07 Sectoral Adaptation Plan & Supportive Activities 08 -01.Health  09 -02.Water Resource 10 -03.Disaster 11 -04.Agriculture 12 -05.Forestry 13 -06.Coast/fishery 14 -07.Ecosystem  15 -08.PR, Education, and International Cooperation 16 -09.Climate change Monitoring and Projection 17 -10.Adaptation Business / Energy 18 Korea Adaptation Center for Climate Change 23 Research of Climate change adaptation in Korea 'Assessment and Development if Adaptation Strategues in Korea (1)' 290 Jinheungno, Eunpyeong-Gu, Seoul, 122-706, Republic of Korea / email_news@kei.re.kr http://kaccc.kei.re.kr/eng

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